
Acupuncture Physical Medicine

APM was developed by Dr. Mark Seem to address many health issues that plague American patients. This treatment style is based on classical Chinese acupuncture. It includes traditions from Japan, Viet Nam, England, Western osteopathy, and physical medicine. It is a hands on practice that uses touch to locate constrictions in the soft tissues that lie over your muscles (myofascial trigger points). This individualized treatment identifies your unique "holding pattern". When you are faced with an unpleasant or fearful situation, you tense your muscles to protect yourself. Your reactions to stress are sometimes held for a long time, leading to imbalances. APM also focuses on meridians that relate to your signs and symptoms to provide a more thorough treatment.

Esogetic Colorpuncture

Esogetic Colorpuncture was developed by Peter Mandel, N.D. of Germany. Colorpuncture uses the vibrations of different frequencies of lightwaves to assist your body in its healing. It helps to move information from one functional system to another. The consequences of old wounds and traumas that are held in the muscles and tissue cells can be released through the use of special penlights and tools that emit different wavelengths. Physicists have determined that our cells communicate via biophotons - small emissions of light. Just as our telephone lines use fiberoptics to transmit information, lightwaves carry information into and within our bodies.

AMMA Chinese Meridian Massage

AMMA is a gentle massage that uses circular pressure along the meridians (energetic pathways) and myofascia (covering of muscles). It helps to relax tense areas and move stagnation that may lead to imbalances in your body. No oils are used and the client wears loose clothing ( tank or T-shirt and shorts are best ).

Tai Chi and Qi Gong

I teach a short easy form for beginners. Locations: my office, the library, and local parks.

Colorpuncture Lightpen

Ward Off

Cockerel Stands On One Leg

Stroke the Wild Horse's Mane